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Strategy grows your business. Advertising communicates your strategy to the right people, at the right time, with the right message.
The age old question
How do I know if I’m getting a return on my advertising investment?
Over the decades this is one of the questions I receive most often from clients. It is a question I had to answer when I worked as a Marketing Director years ago. You’ll only know if your advertising is working if you know exactly what your advertising is supposed to take you.
Strategy grows your business. Advertising communicates your strategy to the right people, at the right time, with the right message.
Advertising is not a destination. Advertising is the vehicle you take to reach your destination. If you want to know if your advertising is working you have to first know where you want it to take you.
Advertising without a clear destination in mind is like trying to take a cruise to North Dakota. You could take a cruise. You could go to North Dakota…but you can’t take a cruise to North Dakota.
Before you can know if your advertising is working you have to know where you want to go, how you want to get there, and what vehicles will get you there most effectively.
So…you didn’t really answer my question.
This post didn’t really answer your question because there is no right answer. Your advertising is working when you can clearly see how the money you’re spending is getting you to your destination.
Need help deciding how to reach your destination?
We have experienced local professionals or you can chat with an expert. We can help you choose the right vehicles to take you where you want to go!