Image Size Requirements

Image TypeDimensionsAspect Ratio
Background Image1920 x 1080 px16:9
Hero Image1280 x 720 px16:9
Website Banner250 x 250 px1:1
Blog Image1200 x 630 px3:2
Gallery Image1200 x 630 px3:2
Gallery Image (Square)1000 x 1000 px1:1
Logo (Rectangle)250 x 100 px2:3
Logo (Square)100 x 100 px1:1
Favicon16 x 16 px1:1
Social Media Icons32 x 32 px1:1
Lightbox Images (Full Screen)1600 x 500 px16:9
Thumbnail Image150 x 150 px1:1

These are the MINIMUM size requirements only. Any images larger than dimensions shown above can always be used.