Category Road Map


Search Engine Optimization Basics A search engine is a business, just like you. Google has maintained dominance in the search engine/browser space for decades now because they’re very fussy about the websites they serve their customers. They want those sites…

Marketing Plan Basics

The basics of a good plan. A good plan, just like any good map, has a clear destination in mind. From your goals spring strategies…from strategies spring actionable steps. Then, step-by-step…you reach your Goal. Business Goals Marketing Objectives Marketing Strategies…

Website Basics

Website Basics

What does every website need? Website don’t have to be complicated. They can be, and sometimes you need a deeply complicated website to serve your customers best. However, even complicated websites only need three simple characteristics: clarity, easy navigation, and…

Advertising Basics

What is advertising? The biggest mistake business owners make is thinking that advertising and marketing are the same thing. Advertising is a tactic you can use to meet your marketing goals. There are literally hundreds of ways you can advertise,…

Marketing Basics

What is marketing? Marketing is really about developing business goals, and then creating strategies to meet those goals. If your goal can be defined clearly, marketing is choosing what roads will take you to your destination. Product Price Placement Promotion…